Smart Manufacturing Blog

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7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing

Now Available!

Get your copy of the 7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing and hear from 300+ manufacturers in this new survey report!

Innovation and Technology

Plex Manufacturing Blog

Every worker. Every step. Transform your operational efficiency with Guided Work Instructions.

Plex Team August 19, 2024

Maximized production capacity and high quality, made possible by knowledgeable and engaged workers. Sounds great, doesn’t it?...

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You Can't Climb the Whole Mountain at Once

Plex Team July 30, 2024

Adopting new technologies within your manufacturing operations is a lot like climbing a mountain. You can only go so far so fast – and pushing too hard without the right support can leave your systems overwhelmed. Instead, you need to plan your approach carefully and adjust as you go. Luckily, choosing the right tools at the right time will let you adapt just fine.In smart manufacturing, modern…

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The Edge of Tomorrow: Edge Computing Reshaping Manufacturing

Plex Team July 29, 2024

In the vast expanse of a modern factory floor, the rhythms of production echo beneath the vigilant gaze of towering machinery. Workers and robots perform in a well-choreographed ballet of precision and speed. This industrial symphony is orchestrated by a frequently overlooked catalyst of contemporary innovation – edge computing....

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The Edge of Tomorrow: Unveiling the Potential of Edge Computing

Plex Team July 26, 2024

The landscape of technology has continually evolved. From the early mainframes of the 1950s and the initial days of server rooms to the expansive possibilities of the cloud, we have always pursued the next technological plateau. Our journey has now taken us to the edge—a place where technology converges to create a new horizon: edge computing....

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How to Win a Food Fight with the Competition: Quality & Compliance

Plex Team June 18, 2024

Have you ever sat down at a local restaurant and ordered your favorite meal, only to discover a change in the recipe or ingredients has completely altered the taste? You’re now a thoroughly unsatisfied customer – even if there are plenty of good reasons for menu changes behind the scenes....

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Interactive Work Instructions Redefine What Workers Can Achieve

Plex DemandCaster June 12, 2024

Even with the most carefully designed manufacturing processes in place, the actual outcome of your operations rests with your team on the floor. They rely on work instructions to carry out both unique and routine tasks – referencing a variety of documents and resources. But what happens when work instructions become a burden instead of a benefit?...

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Bring Your Production Schedule into the Modern Era Using Smart Manufacturing

Plex Team April 30, 2024

Production scheduling is an essential component in any manufacturing operation. It synchronizes operations so everyone is on the same page and uses the same game plan....

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Digitization: Getting the Whole Story from Your Data

Plex Team April 23, 2024

Today, digitization across most industries is driving the next industrial revolution in manufacturing. As companies and OEMs seek to build digital capabilities within their production systems, smart manufacturing becomes standard for anyone looking to get ahead....

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Edge Computing: Preprocessing Data for Efficient Integration with ERP & MES Systems – Part 2

Harneet Gill April 16, 2024

With the advent of Industry 4.0, modern manufacturing facilities generate an enormous amount of data, predominantly through sensors, automation and control system, HMI/SCADA systems, and IIoT devices. This data, rich in insights, is invaluable to ERP and MES systems that drive business and production decisions. However, transmitting this voluminous raw data to central systems can lead to latency…

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Key Takeaways from the 9th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing Report

Plex Team April 11, 2024

What’s new. What’s now. And what’s happening next. The 2024 State of Smart Manufacturing Report offers a comprehensive look at where 1,500+ manufacturers see challenges and opportunities both today and in the future. From the expanding use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to the ongoing need for a skilled, adaptive workforce, here’s a rundown of the report’s biggest takeaways that…

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