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Plex Manufacturing Blog

Hype vs. Reality: What’s Happening with IIoT In Manufacturing?

Anurag Garg September 8, 2020

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a technology trend that manages to be overhyped and underrated at the same time. On one hand, IIoT is overhyped because for every optimistic projection about how much of the typical production line will be automated and robotized 10 years from now, according to some experts there’s the reality that fewer than 14 percent of the machines on shop floors…

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What You Should Know about the Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP): Up to $100k in Tech and Training Grants

Alena Barreca September 3, 2020

Automotive manufacturers in Ontario, Canada can now receive funding support when they introduce new lean manufacturing or technology to their businesses through the recently opened Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP). Funding via the program is to help modernize Ontario’s automotive supply chain and make it more competitive against national and international markets....

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Why IIoT Serves a Critical Role During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Lokesh A. Gupta, Ph.D. July 23, 2020

The beginning of the year 2020 marks a once-in-a-lifetime health and economic event. The World Economic Forum says the economic fallout has the capacity to be on par with the Great Depression. Most experts agree that we have a long road ahead of us to ensure that future interactions will not compromise our health and safety. The likelihood of organizations being forced to operate with…

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5 Key Takeaways from the 5th Annual State of Manufacturing Technology Report

Jerry Foster May 7, 2020

The state of manufacturing technology is one that is constantly evolving. What is true one month might not be true the next, and we have seen that volatility with the impact of COVID-19. So how do manufacturers to stay ahead of the curve to drive growth and stay ahead of competition?...

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4 Ways to Improve the Quality of Supply Chain Planning

Heather Hussin April 1, 2020

The rise of automation, shop floor analytics, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have impacted the manufacturing industry and enhanced production with the introduction of timely data for more informed decision making. But what about major shifts like enhanced in-car connectivity, growing demand for electric vehicles, or adjusting to changing customer preferences? Are manufacturers…

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CES for Manufacturers: Key Takeaways for Industrial Application

Jerry Foster February 4, 2020

I recently spent three days walking the halls of CES 2020 (the Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas, and I can only describe it in one word: "insane." With over 2 million square feet of exhibits, 4,400 vendors, and 180,000 attendees, I felt even after three dedicated days, dozens of miles of walking, and one big blister, I still only scratched the surface. ...

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3 Key Technologies to Focus on for Industry 4.0

Jerry Foster November 5, 2019

It’s no secret Industry 4.0 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution will influence the industry for years to come. This cyber-physical evolution is changing the way manufacturers make things, serve customers, run their plants, and do business....

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3 Reasons Why Real-Time Information Matters to Manufacturers

Stu Johnson October 15, 2019

In order to make timely decisions, you need access to timely data. Unfortunately, for many manufacturers, the shop floor is a black box that is disconnected from the enterprise systems they rely on, so they must depend on reports. Those reports may take hours to prepare by specialists after manually being entered into a system from the paper that originally collected the data. The result is that…

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Manufacturers: Unlock the Value of Industry Analysts

Susie Foran October 3, 2019

At a time when technology buyers are bombarded with software options from all angles, it can be difficult to determine which ones are legit and which ones you should avoid when you’re trying to select an ERP, MES, or Industrial IoT solution vendor....

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Manufacturers in Mexico Take on Industry 4.0 and IIoT

David Lara August 15, 2019

Mexico has traditionally been a desirable location for U.S. manufacturers to expand their facilities because of the low cost of labor. But the country has positioned itself as a viable competitor within the manufacturing industry. Mexico’s number one export is manufactured products and it is the seventh largest auto manufacturer—recently surpassing Japan as the second-largest U.S. auto parts…

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