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Innovation and Technology

Plex Manufacturing Blog

Mobility Puts Power at Manufacturers’ Fingertips

Dave Morfas November 16, 2017

A recent industry study validated the importance of mobile devices in manufacturing, uncovering that 90% of manufacturers already use mobile phones, laptops and scanners, and an additional 30% plan to deploy consumer tablets. Mobility is simply part of the current and future connected manufacturing environment. But why?...

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Technology Advancements Impacting Your Manufacturing Business Right Now

Dave Morfas November 13, 2017

There are major technology advancements that have made today’s economy more connected than ever before. Whether you recognize these technologies or not, they will have an impact on your business. Your competition may already be ahead of you in taking advantage of these, but you can put yourself in the driver's seat to steer your business in the right direction....

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Here’s How to Build Your Team of Plex Champions

Kristin van Duelman October 23, 2017

The Plex Manufacturing Cloud enables you to dramatically reduce the burden on your IT staff, infuse quality throughout production, and gain an incredible amount of visibility and control. It essentially becomes the technology foundation for transforming your business. ...

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Connectivity, Automation, and IIoT Power the Modern Shop Floor

Dave Morfas October 12, 2017

Manufacturing starts on the shop floor. It’s where material moves, product is created, ultimately, where the work gets done. Every day, new devices and equipment are providing manufacturers with new opportunities for innovation and connection. In its four years, the 2017 State of Manufacturing Technology Report surveyed more than 150 manufacturers and reveals how manufacturers are leveraging…

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Manufacturers are Relying on Technology for More Responsive Supply Chains

Hemant Makhija October 5, 2017

Agility and speed are the hallmarks of today’s supply chains due to increased global connectivity and competition. No longer is it enough to focus on quality, costs, or efficiency to remain competitive. Manufacturers today need to be responsive to shifts in customer demands, and they are realizing that the key to differentiation is in supply chain execution and flexibility....

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4 IIoT Use Cases That Show Real Business Impacts for Manufacturing

Dave Morfas September 7, 2017

By now, you’ve heard about the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). You may have even talked about it with your team but, if you’re like a lot of small to mid-sized manufacturing companies you are still in the early stages of investigating what IIoT means to your business....

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Manufacturers: What You Need to Know About Cloudwashing

Dave Morfas July 21, 2017

If your company is looking for a new ERP system, you will likely discover the term “cloudwashing.” Our hope is that you discover it before you make a decision because you could be dealing with the limitations for a long time after. What is cloudwashing?...

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Industry 4.0: How Advancements in Manufacturing Technology Are Transforming the Industry

Peter Pearce July 7, 2017

In the United States, economic growth has been a bit sluggish in the past decade. When you look at global economic growth, there's one common factor with all that causes the economy to grow. It’s manufacturing. Due to a number of contributing economic, political, and market factors across the globe, there’s a significant revolution that’s underway within the manufacturing industry. ...

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Digital Transformation: Manufacturers Need a Practical Approach—Not Hype

Dave Morfas June 2, 2017

Technologists love to learn, write, and prognosticate about new terminology, technology trends, and ideas that will impact the future. But as I once heard someone say, “innovation without practical impact is a science project,” and this holds true for digital transformation, a topic deservedly getting a lot of coverage these days....

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PowerPlex 2017 - Innovation in Action

Jane Clabby May 17, 2017

As PowerPlex 2017 wraps up this week, I find myself reflecting on the many great conversations I had with smart, interesting people who are working on making things. I was surrounded by innovation — businesses making innovative products, organizations with a rich history that have continuously evolved by innovating over time, and people who are doing new and unique things with Plex to…

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