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Innovation and Technology

Plex Manufacturing Blog

The Path Manufacturers Should Take Toward Industry 4.0

Plex Team June 5, 2018

The benefits of Industry 4.0 are crystal-clear. So, why aren’t manufacturers making it their top priority to embrace everything this new approach entails? In other words, why has adoption been so slow? According to TechVentive, it’s because many companies still lack the basic technology infrastructure that must be in place before they can exploit Industry 4.0....

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Industrial Automation and IIoT: What’s Next for Manufacturers?

Stu Johnson April 23, 2018

The question you probably get asked a lot by technology folks is what is your Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) strategy? I’d like to suggest that this is the wrong question. If these technology folks really had your business requirements in mind, they should be asking: what are your business strategies to leverage the value this evolution in technology enables?...

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Does Your Manufacturing ERP Software Do These 4 Things?

Dave Morfas March 19, 2018

Connected manufacturing is a business strategy that leverages cloud computing to harness operational and business data and promises greater visibility, efficiency, control, and customer satisfaction. Our customers have adopted this strategy —and they’ve been able to drive down costs while gaining greater visibility and control....

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What Are the Benefits of Going Digital for Manufacturing Companies?

Stu Johnson March 8, 2018

Every business has its challenges. The challenges you, as a manufacturer, face today include fluctuating customer demand, supply chain planning, inventory cost control, compliance requirements—and a major technology evolution in the form of Industry 4.0....

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7 Common Mistakes Manufacturers Make with ERP Implementations

Dave Morfas March 5, 2018

We’ve learned a lot about what success looks like from implementing the Plex Manufacturing Cloud at thousands of manufacturing plants across the globe. Many of these ERP implementation lessons have come from discovering what not to do....

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How to Determine ROI and Long-Term Value for a Manufacturing ERP System

Stu Johnson March 5, 2018

Modernizing your ERP is a major investment in the long-term success of your manufacturing business. And like other manufacturers, you’re probably worried about the cost, the potential disruption to your business, and the kind of return you can expect from your investment....

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Plex Customers Put Wearables and Augmented Reality to Work on the Shop Floor

Jerry Foster January 25, 2018

I’m always amazed at what Plex customers are doing when it comes to advanced technology. Manufacturers, after all, have led us through major technology revolutions that have forever changed the world around us. And our customers continue to look forward as they actively explore how to use wearable and augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) technology on the shop floor....

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Modernizing Your ERP: What Every Manufacturer Should Know

Stu Johnson January 11, 2018

If your company has an ERP and you’re struggling with lack of visibility into your manufacturing processes, lack of trust in the data, increased downtime, and rising costs—it may be time to modernize. Consumer demand is harder than ever to predict....

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5 Steps to Gain Organizational Buy-In for Your ERP Project

George Trudell December 7, 2017

When your company has determined that it’s the right time to look at an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, the first question that typically pops up goes like this: “Is our investment justified?” In other words, you’ll need to go about getting buy-in across your company because ERP touches every facet of your company. From our experience, this effort involves a few steps that are…

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Mobility in Manufacturing Offers New Opportunities on the Shop Floor

Dave Morfas November 21, 2017

The days of documenting inventory or production data on paper, collecting it, and manually collating it are over—at least they should be. Unfortunately, many manufacturers still rely on manual processes, when the combination of mobility and cloud provide a better alternative....

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