7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing

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Plex Connected Worker

Connected Worker

Are you ready to lead the Smart Manufacturing revolution?

Plex Connected Worker is your chance to trailblaze as the manufacturing industry faces a significant shift in the workforce. Now is the time to empower your employees through technology, data, and enhanced communication.

Standarize On Boarding

Standardize on-boarding

Digital Work Instructions feature step-by-step task guidance

Data Drive Decisions

Make data-driven decisions

Manage activities, access real-time insights, and act on other key measurables

Communicate Seemlessly

Communicate seamlessly

Witness the benefits of a connected shop floor, as employees utilize a Microsoft Teams Chat integration




Plex Connected Worker: Consistent and Clear






  • Connect people to productivity

    Provide step-by-step guidance for people, machines, and devices, while automating low-value tasks.

    Digital Work Instructions and Interactive Work Instructions within Plex Connected Worker offer step-by-step instructions to guide employees through their current task. This facilitates knowledge-sharing, ensures quality, and increases safety. By automating repetitive tasks, workers can engage more meaningfully with their work and remain productive.

  • Connect people to process

    Organize, track, and optimize tasks for people, machines, and devices.

    Plex Connected Worker Activity Management tools help you organize, track, and optimize tasks for your employees. This improves overall employee performance by creating a happier workforce, seamlessly transferring knowledge, making processes easier, and increasing quality and safety.

  • Connect people to people

    "Smart" communication encourages an engaged and informed workplace culture

    An embedded chat feature in Plex Connected Worker has been proven to increase productivity by 25%. Employees can collaborate with one another at the stroke of a key, solve problems faster with efficient communication, and keep the entire plant floor updated in real-time.

Connected Technology supported by the core pillars of Smart Manufacturing

Plex Connected Worker provides your company with consistency and flexibility as the industry continues to change.

What is Smart Manufacturing
  • Connect

    Connect tools, processes, data, and people through the full lifecycle of the production system.

  • Automate

    Automate tedious tasks and empower your employees to develop new skills.

  • Track

    Track activity, progress, and communication all in one screen.

  • Analyze

    Analyze real-time production metrics and make informed decisions.


Plex Connected Worker Features

  • Digital Work Instructions

    Plex’s Connected Worker provides employees with step-by-step instructions to guide tasks across people, machines, and devices. This expedites the on-boarding process, enhances precision, reduces error, and accelerates production timelines.

  • Key Measurables

    Real-time performance metrics provide production insights that are available at your fingertips. With increased production visibility, your team will be empowered to make data-driven decisions.

  • Activity Management

    The “home screen” of the Plex Connected Worker streamlines production activity into one, easily accessed spot. Team leaders can organize, track, and optimize tasks for people, machines, and devices.

  • Collaboration

    An embedded Microsoft Teams application connects individuals across the shopfloor and company. With smart communication, employees can better coordinate and efficiently collaborate with one another.

  • Skills & Knowledge Management

    Plex Connected Worker offers a centralized system for skill tracking, enablement, and enforcement. Companies no longer need to rely on word-of-mouth for knowledge-sharing and can instead maintain a standard of competency.

  • Employee Health & Safety

    Plex Connected Worker technology creates a single source of truth for training and work instructions. This consistency mitigates risks, enhances productivity, and ensures employee well-being and safety.