Smart Manufacturing Blog

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7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing

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Get your copy of the 7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing and hear from 300+ manufacturers in this new survey report!

Plex Team

About the Author

Plex Systems, Inc., a Rockwell Automation company, is the leader in cloud-delivered smart manufacturing solutions, empowering the world’s manufacturers to make awesome products. Our platform gives manufacturers the ability to connect, automate, track and analyze every aspect of their business to drive transformation. The Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform includes solutions for manufacturing execution (MES), ERP, quality, supply chain planning and management, Industrial IoT and analytics to connect people, systems, machines, and supply chains, enabling them to lead with precision, efficiency and agility.

IoT Traceability Software Eliminates Surprises in Manufacturing

Plex Team January 18, 2022

Many people love surprises. On birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays, they can be fun. But in manufacturing environments, not so much. Surprises here can mean missed deliveries, damaged or spoiled materials, compromised brand reputation, and even dangerous recalls. For many years, traceability within manufacturing was plagued by the same problems encountered by any analysis. Siloed data,…

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The People Behind the Platform: Angie Sheperd, Director of Professional Services

Plex Team January 10, 2022

You might love the Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform, but do you know the people who make it possible? Talented Plexians have been working hard behind the scenes for decades. They’re what make this company great, but few get the chance to step into the spotlight they deserve – until now. This month, say hello to Director of Professional Services Angie Sheperd. Tell us about your role at Plex…

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5 Steps for Improving Your Product Quality

Plex Team January 4, 2022

Everyone knows that poor quality can cause headaches that ripple throughout an organization, but not every manufacturer approaches (or even defines) quality the same way. Quality improvement strategies are as old as manufacturing itself, and yet achieving success in this area continues to be a challenge for many in the industry. Done right, and your quality concerns will be reduced to a minimal…

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Inventory Valuation Methods – Which One Works for You?

Plex Team December 21, 2021

If you don’t know what you’ve got, you don’t know what you can make. While simple, this statement sums up the importance of inventory accounting in any business. But the value of inventory is just as significant. While accurate unit counts mean actual performance will match the production schedule, inventory valuation affects many areas within the company....

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The Role of Quality Assurance in Manufacturing

Plex Team December 7, 2021

What’s your quality management system like? It’s a simple question, but the answer can be complicated. Most manufacturers say they have a system in place, but what does that really entail? After all, some quality systems are based on manual, rudimentary processes while others leverage automated, cutting-edge innovations. Regardless of the level of sophistication, any quality management system…

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The People Behind the Platform: Marcus Jones, Mid-Market Account Executive

Plex Team December 6, 2021

You might love the Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform, but do you know the people who make it possible? Talented Plexians have been working hard behind the scenes for decades. They’re what make this company great, but few get the chance to step into the spotlight they deserve – until now. This month, say hello to Mid-Market Account Executive Marcus Jones. Tell us about your role at Plex....

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How the Efficiency of Inventory Management Affects Your Company

Plex Team November 23, 2021

The efficiency of inventory management is crucial to any business. For retailers, accurate inventory means finished goods ready to sell. But for manufacturing companies, warehouse capacity for raw materials and finished goods must be balanced like bookends to ensure that production can take place on time and on schedule....

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A Season of Gratitude: Recognizing Manufacturers that Keep the World Running

Plex Team November 22, 2021

The last two years have certainly been challenging, but as we take time to reflect this Thanksgiving, there are so many things to be thankful for. More than ever, and for more reasons than we can count, we are especially thankful for manufacturers. Heroes in a crisis...

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Plex Systems’ Nandini Srinivasan Honored with The Manufacturing Institute’s 2021 STEP Ahead Award

Plex Team November 15, 2021

Plex is proud to announce that Nandini Srinivasan, Vice President, Quality Assurance, has been named a 2021 STEP Ahead award winner by The Manufacturing Institute, the workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers....

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The Importance of Quality Control in Manufacturing

Plex Team November 9, 2021

Few things worry manufacturing managers more than quality. When quality control is on track, it improves efficiency and cost, and let’s face it; it means far fewer headaches. But when things go awry, quality issues can drive up material and labor costs, threaten margins, and result in missed orders....

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