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You might love the Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform, but do you know those who make it possible? Talented people have been working hard behind the scenes for decades. They’re what make this company great, but few get the chance to step into the spotlight they deserve – until now. This month, say hello to Associate Customer Success Manager Carly Pascaretta.
Tell us about your role at Plex.
As an Associate Customer Success Manager, I am working to ensure our customers are achieving the most value out of Plex, while feeling supported throughout their entire journey. I am a part of the Tech Touch team – which has created automation for many of our processes on the Customer Success team and has increased communication with customers that may not have a dedicated Customer Success Manager.
What do you love most about your job?
It’s a tie between two things:
Your favorite Plex memory is:
Presenting what the Tech Touch team has accomplished over the past year to the Executive Team at Gainsight (the leading SaaS platform built for Customer Success) and receiving the opportunity to present it at Gainsight Pulse in San Francisco, CA. I sadly had to miss the event, but Eric Mohamed did an incredible job on behalf of the team!
How will technology make the world smarter in the next 10 years?
When thinking of how technology will make the world smarter in the next 10 years, I immediately think of the quote “work smarter, not harder.” By increasing automation and data analysis through technology, we give ourselves the opportunity to operate quicker and more efficiently.
Tell us about a major opportunity or challenge in today’s manufacturing industry.
The adoption of technology! It can be scary to change processes that have been consistent over decades because “that's the way it’s always been done.” Embracing and leveraging technology will help companies stand out from the competition, improve efficiency...I could go on and on about this.
Where are you located?
Metro Detroit.
What’s your favorite nonprofit or charity?
Pope Francis Center – Detroit.
Their mission is help Detroit’s community by providing nutritional meals, supportive services, crisis response, and housing assistance to those in need, especially those experiencing homelessness.
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An Olympic gymnast on Team USA.
Name the best place you’ve ever visited:
Vietri di Potenza, Italy. It was amazing to see the town where my dad was born and grew up. I spent a couple of days with my Italian relatives and enjoyed an 8-hour, multiple course meal with lots of pasta, vino and dancing. Saluti!
What are your favorite things to do on the weekend?
Cook pasta with my Nonna, travel & spend time with family and friends.
Three musical artists or bands you never get sick of are:
2pac, Queen & Noah Kahan.
If you had to live inside one TV show for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Ted Lasso – I would be best friends with Keeley & Rebecca and convince Ted to teach me how he makes his biscuits.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you:
I am a 2x Collegiate National Champion Coed Cheerleader and I am cheering on the sidelines for the Detroit Lions Stunt Team this year!