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Supply Chain Management

Plex Manufacturing Blog

S&OP vs. SIOP: What’s the Difference?

Plex DemandCaster June 21, 2019

There are small differences between sales and operation planning (S&OP) and sales, inventory and operations (SIOP). Find out what they are in this article. ...

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Seven Advantages of Integrated Demand and Supply Planning

Plex DemandCaster May 21, 2019

Teamwork, practice, and a clear strategy are essential for integrated demand and supply planning. Find seven advantages of developing an integrated strategy here. ...

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Connectivity and Visibility in the Supply Chain Critical for Global Manufacturing

Stu Johnson March 19, 2019

Supply chain visibility helps manufacturers drive down the cost of operations and speed time-to-market. Visibility is difficult to achieve however without connectivity. Connectivity between systems enables more visibility throughout the supply chain—from demand to order to delivery and everywhere in between....

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Do You Know the True Cost of Your Supply Chain?

Plex DemandCaster March 18, 2019

Many product companies are beginning to see aspects of their supply chain increasing in complexity. Do you know the true cost of your supply chain? ...

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Demand Planning vs. Supply Planning: Balance is the Key to Success

Plex DemandCaster March 15, 2019

Organizations that manage a supply chain have to continually balance a number of priorities. This article covers Demand Planning vs Supply Planning. ...

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Demand Planning: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

Plex DemandCaster February 26, 2019

Estimating future demand is one of the most valuable activities your organization can undertake. Learn more about demand planning and why it's important. ...

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The Long and the Short of It: Variables in Managing Long and Short Supply Chain Legs

Plex DemandCaster February 11, 2019

Supply chain planning can be a daunting task. As economies globalize at a faster rate, just keeping pace will become increasingly difficult. ...

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MRP – A Key Enabler of Agile Manufacturing

Plex DemandCaster November 29, 2018

Over its roughly fifty-year lifespan, Material Requirements Planning (MRP) has become a key enabler of agile manufacturing. Learn more here. ...

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The Future of Inventory Management: Five Predictions

Plex DemandCaster October 24, 2018

For many companies, inventory management is where all the elements of the supply chain converge. Find our five predictions for the future here. ...

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The Forecast and the Plan: What’s the Difference?

Plex DemandCaster October 15, 2018

Imagine a new professional, walking into her first Sales and Operations Planning Meeting at the multinational corporation who hired her only a few weeks earlier. This is a big moment for the new employee.The meeting might be awash with numbers, spreadsheets, graphs, and interactions between people that she doesn’t yet understand completely. Managers might talk a language that is rather unfamiliar…

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