Smart Manufacturing Blog

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Supply Chain Management

Plex Manufacturing Blog

6 Tips to Improve Inventory Management through Automation

Plex DemandCaster June 23, 2020

For companies with outdated or manual systems, these six tips will help managers and decision-makers improve inventory management through automation. ...

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Strategies for Optimizing Customer Service Levels

Plex DemandCaster June 16, 2020

Discover our recommendations for optimizing your customer service levels to improve efficiency and achieve operational excellence. ...

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How Demand Planning Fits into Integrated Business Planning

Plex DemandCaster June 9, 2020

Companies should be looking to align the processes in their supply chain. This article covers how demand planning fits into integrated business planning. ...

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The Method in the Madness – Choosing the Best Demand Planning Method

Plex DemandCaster June 4, 2020

Aligning demand with supply is a critical function for any company. This article helps businesses find a demand planning method that works for them. ...

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Key Takeaways from PowerPlex: Day 3

Plex Team May 14, 2020

Once again, PowerPlex 2020 came to you live (virtually!). More than 2,000 attendees logged in from couches, garages, and bedrooms (and anywhere else they could find some peace and quiet) to learn about and stay up-to-speed on the manufacturing industry, the latest technology innovations, and Plex’s Smart Manufacturing Platform. Here are some of the standout messages and takeaways from today’s…

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4 Ways to Improve the Quality of Supply Chain Planning

Heather Hussin April 1, 2020

The rise of automation, shop floor analytics, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have impacted the manufacturing industry and enhanced production with the introduction of timely data for more informed decision making. But what about major shifts like enhanced in-car connectivity, growing demand for electric vehicles, or adjusting to changing customer preferences? Are manufacturers…

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Demand and Supply Planning in Unpredictable Times

Plex DemandCaster March 25, 2020

Managing day-to-day operations and accommodating customer needs is challenging. Learn more about demand and supply planning in unpredictable times. ...

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Digitizing Continuous Improvement in the Global Automotive Supply Chain

Dave Morfas August 13, 2019

As an automotive supplier, there is a lot you need to manage and deliver in a complex global supply chain. First and foremost, your customers demand that you demonstrate the ability to meet their requirements or you lose their business....

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Calculating Safety Stock: Simpler Might Not be Better

Plex DemandCaster July 26, 2019

Safety stock is the extra stock you maintain to mitigate the risk of running out of raw materials. Find out how to calculate your safety stock here. ...

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Nine Factors That Influence Inventory Planning and Optimization

Plex DemandCaster July 10, 2019

Inventory planning is hard to do. As supply chain complexity continues to expand, more and more factors are influencing planning and optimization. ...

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