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Supply Chain Management

Plex Manufacturing Blog

Supply Chain Planning in a Recession

Plex DemandCaster October 27, 2020

COVID-19 brought unprecedented disruption to supply chains. This article offers advice to business leaders planning their supply chain during a recession. ...

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Capacity Planning in Today's Uncertain Environment

Plex DemandCaster October 13, 2020

Simply put, "capacity planning" is the process businesses use to make decisions on how much capacity is needed to meet demand. Find out more here. ...

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Safety Stock How Much is Too Much (or too Little)?

Plex DemandCaster October 6, 2020

Do we really know how to get levels of safety stock balanced? This article has information on how much is too much (or too little) safety stock. ...

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Supply Chain Planning to the Rescue - Cash Flow Management During COVID-19

Plex DemandCaster September 15, 2020

During the best of times, managing cash flow can be challenging. This article covers how supply chain planning can help businesses cope after COVID-19. ...

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5 Keys to Managing Supply Chain Planning in Uncertain Times

Plex DemandCaster September 1, 2020

With the world having been plunged into uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic, it's more important than ever for businesses to manage their supply chain. ...

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5 Tips to Hacking Distribution Requirement Planning in the Food and Beverage Industry

Plex DemandCaster August 10, 2020

One-third of our food and drink goes to waste. Read our five expert tips on hacking distribution requirement planning in the food and beverage industry. ...

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A Comprehensive Guide to Predictive Inventory Planning and Management

Plex DemandCaster August 4, 2020

Inventory management remains an important operational feature that determines the successes and failures of enterprises. Read our comprehensive guide here. ...

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5 Steps to Digitize Your Inventory Planning Process

Plex DemandCaster July 28, 2020

Many companies cite "inventory optimization" as a goal. With these five steps, you can digitize your inventory planning process. ...

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Top 5 Production Capacity Planning Challenges You Should Know

Plex DemandCaster July 22, 2020

Modern manufacturing is a complex endeavor. That's why we've put together a list of production capacity planning challenges manufacturers should know about. ...

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6 Questions that will Improve Your Capacity Planning Strategy

Plex DemandCaster June 30, 2020

Capacity planning has always been a core strategic process in the manufacturing industries. These six questions will help you optimize your planning strategy. ...

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