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Supply Chain Management

Plex Manufacturing Blog

How Demand Planning and Inventory Management Work Hand in Hand

Plex DemandCaster December 14, 2021

Traditionally, demand planning and inventory management operated in different worlds. Technology and software now allow the two to work together. ...

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Demand Planning Models in Today’s Manufacturing Environment

Plex DemandCaster November 30, 2021

Demand models involve complex data sets and calculations. Using software can help mature demand planning systems and increase forecast accuracy. ...

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How the Efficiency of Inventory Management Affects Your Company

Plex Team November 23, 2021

The efficiency of inventory management is crucial to any business. For retailers, accurate inventory means finished goods ready to sell. But for manufacturing companies, warehouse capacity for raw materials and finished goods must be balanced like bookends to ensure that production can take place on time and on schedule....

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The Impact of Technology in Supply Chain Management

Plex DemandCaster November 16, 2021

New and emerging technology doesn't have to operate alone. It can be combined with powerful supply chain management software to deliver actionable insights. ...

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Dealing with Today’s Supply Chain Issues

Plex DemandCaster November 2, 2021

Today's supply chain issues offer enormous challenges. From labor shortages to port congestion, software can help navigate demand. ...

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3 Spooky Manufacturing Trends Haunting Your Halloween

Plex Team October 27, 2021

It’s too bad “trick or treat” is just a childhood phrase and not an actual choice for manufacturers. But instead of plastic pumpkin pails and pillowcases full of future cavities candy, you’re left with major production problems keeping you from meeting customer demand and company goals. It’s like being stuck in a haunted house, just with fewer fake skeletons and more work-related stress....

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Demand Forecasting vs. Demand Planning: What’s the Difference?

Plex DemandCaster October 19, 2021

What's the difference between demand forecasting and planning? Understanding the distinction can help you choose software to manage complex demand issues. ...

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The Challenges in Global Supply Chain Management

Plex DemandCaster October 5, 2021

With unprecedented disruptions, global supply chain management faces more challenges than ever before. Learn more about these challenges with Plex DemandCaster. ...

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The Role of Demand Planning KPIs in Supply Chain Management

Plex DemandCaster September 21, 2021

What are demand planning KPIs? KPIs are a critical part of demand planning and software can improve their accuracy. Learn more here. ...

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Inventory Optimization During Disruption

Plex DemandCaster July 21, 2021

Following a series of significant disruptions in recent years, supply chain professionals are searching for ways to optimize their inventory. ...

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