Smart Manufacturing Blog

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Plex Manufacturing Blog

The Benefits of ESG Initiatives in Manufacturing

Anthony Murphy July 26, 2022

Sustainability and Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance (ESG) policy is growing in importance across all industries, and especially in manufacturing. The public concerns around climate change, social justice, corporate responsibility – including increased regulations, emission reductions, and responsible governance – are increasingly driving more businesses to take action....

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Don’t Let Digital Connectivity Be Your Nightclub Bouncer

Plex Team July 19, 2022

Whether in person or on television, most of us have seen a glitzy nightclub with strict entry requirements. One with a large bouncer in a blazer and a velvet rope, where those wishing access must have a spot on “the list.” With it, you’re special and allowed to enter. Without it, you’re standing in a line to nowhere and it’ll be a long night....

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Using a Smart Manufacturing Platform for System Consolidation

Plex Team July 6, 2022

Manufacturers have a lot of pressure on their shoulders. Traditional software solutions sought to relieve that pressure by automating processes, reducing labor-intensive tasks, and optimizing performance efficiency for specific disciplines. That system of disparate software worked to improve efficiency - until one day it didn't. So, what changed? The most significant change was the technological…

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The Top 10 Moments of ROKLive 2022

Plex Team June 29, 2022

What happens when you put 2,000+ manufacturing-minded people in the same place at the same time? A lot. During the course of ROKLive 2022, we learned, we laughed, we ate, we sang, we got sunburned, we networked, and so much more. Whether you lived it or missed it, let’s look back at takeaways from the week. There are so many highlights that picking favorites is like picking a favorite child (or…

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Skilled Trades in Manufacturing Are Evolving

Plex Team June 21, 2022

Manufacturing is undergoing a renaissance. Through robotics, AI, machine learning, virtual and augmented reality, and more, digital manufacturing is being leveraged for greater efficiency, new products and services, and process optimization. The newfound control and utilization of machine-generated data enables companies to weave a digital thread through all their business practices and enhance…

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Automotive Manufacturing Is More Resilient Than Ever

Anthony Murphy June 8, 2022

When production halted in 2020, automotive suppliers and OEMs showcased their business agility by banding together and pivoting to develop much-needed supplies for frontline workers. Ford Motor Company produced clear plastic shields, Creative Foam Corp manufactured foam parts for ventilators, and Desin, a manufacturer of Human Machine Interface (HMI) sensors, added a production line to make face…

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Explore the Key Topics of ROKLive 2022

Plex Team June 1, 2022

You know that feeling when you’re looking at a couple dozen delicious ice cream flavors but aren’t sure which one to pick? You might stand there a few minutes, debating the merits of chocolate chips vs. chocolate chunks, until you realize you’re blocking the aisle and finally make your decision....

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How Do 300+ Manufacturers Feel About Supply Chain Planning?

Ara Surenian May 25, 2022

The last few years have not been kind to supply chain planning professionals. Tariffs, geopolitical tensions, a pandemic, numerous sea freight issues, and the war in Ukraine are some of the many issues that have affected global supply chains....

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Digital Connectivity: The “Key” to Empowering Manufacturing Teams

Plex Team May 24, 2022

Have you ever been to the Florida Keys? The area is home to some of the world’s best beaches, snorkeling, and fishing, but getting there hasn’t always been easy. To move from island to island, visitors and locals had to island-hop by boat or ferry....

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Add These ROKLive Sessions to Your Agenda

Plex Team May 18, 2022

Have you booked your flight to Orlando for ROKLive 2022? Or are you learning more about the smart manufacturing event of the year before you decide to register? Either way, this blog is for you....

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