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Plex Manufacturing Blog

How OEE and Manufacturing Software Improves Efficiency

Plex Team February 1, 2022

“Efficiency” is a broad term in manufacturing. It means producing or doing something while using the least time, resources, and energy. For companies like yours, that may encompass efficiency of motion, the effectiveness of training, the quality of SOPs, or inventory accuracy. But it’s when all those components are working together that operations achieve their highest efficiency....

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Electricity, Sustainability, and Robots: Lessons from CES 2022

Jerry Foster January 25, 2022

Last week I attended the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Vegas, marking the fourth time in six years that a member of R&D has attended the high-tech event. While CES is primarily a consumer-oriented show, the technologies cutting their teeth in the consumer market often end up in the enterprise, or on the shop floor, so CES is critical to our forward-thinking plans and initiatives at Plex…

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Smarter, Together: How Plex Customers Influence Product Direction (Part 2 of 4)

Anthony Murphy January 19, 2022

In the first post of this series, I discussed the definition of influence - adapting behavior, products, and processes based on communication, information, and shared understanding - and the four ways that Plex approaches customer influence. Here in part two, I’m going to dive into how we capture and eventually measure it. Importantly, there is no ‘one metric to rule them all’....

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Smarter, Together: What Does Influence Mean to Plex? (Part 1 of 4)

Anthony Murphy December 16, 2021

Influence, at its core, is adapting behavior, products, and processes based on communication, information, and shared understanding. In order to influence and be influenced, you have to have a deep understanding - an empathy - for the audience. That comes from having walked a mile (or 20) in another person’s shoes. ...

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How the Efficiency of Inventory Management Affects Your Company

Plex Team November 23, 2021

The efficiency of inventory management is crucial to any business. For retailers, accurate inventory means finished goods ready to sell. But for manufacturing companies, warehouse capacity for raw materials and finished goods must be balanced like bookends to ensure that production can take place on time and on schedule....

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Production Monitoring Software: Turning Insight into Action

Plex Team September 29, 2021

You can't fix what you can't see. Without access to and analysis of the data resulting from production, manufacturers risk higher costs, poor quality, and mysteriously low equipment utilization. And with global manufacturing competition at an all-time high due to disruption, trade wars, COVID-19, and other issues, companies just can't afford to be in the dark about what's going on in their…

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Feetures and Benefits: Lessons in Change, Growth, and Giving Back

Plex Team September 27, 2021

It happens a lot: strangers walk up to Hugh Gaither and take off their shoes. Awkward, right? Not for Hugh. He’s the founder and CEO of Feetures, America’s top running sock brand. And if enthusiastic customers want to show off their Feetures socks, he’s all for it....

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