Smart Manufacturing Blog

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The Value of Continuing Project Education During a Crisis

Todd Kisaberth April 9, 2020

As COVID-19 continues to impact business of all shapes and sizes across the globe, we are seeing upheaval in society we thought only existed in popular works of fiction. With more than 80 percent of…


Worker Health and Safety Becomes a Global Conversation

Plex Team April 13, 2020

Any plant manager will tell you that the health and safety of their workers has always been a top priority. But as the COVID-19 crisis wages on, manufacturers around the world are having to quickly…


Thoughtful Supply Chain Planning in the Face of Rapid Change

Ara Surenian April 7, 2020

There’s little that could properly prepare the world for the magnitude of global events such as the COVID-19 global pandemic. These situations not only impact us as individuals, but often highlight…


Distillers Step Up Amid Global COVID-19 Crisis

Plex Team April 6, 2020

During times of fear and uncertainty, heroes can take many unexpected forms. While the global COVID-19 crisis wages on, manufacturers are rising to meet society’s critical needs in order to prevent…


Precision Metalforming Association Provides COVID-19 Response Resources for Manufacturers

David C. Klotz April 2, 2020

Manufacturers: Wondering how you can remain connected and ensure business continuity in a world where work environments are changing, supply chains are being disrupted, and uncertainty abounds?


Global Manufacturing Community Activity Diverges from China Recovery Model

Jerry Foster April 15, 2020

Global manufacturing activity continues to drop – now producing at approximately 20% of where rates were four weeks ago, when we saw the start of a steep decline in activity.


Auto Companies Pivot Production to Make Much-Needed Healthcare Supplies

Plex Team April 14, 2020

Some of the most critical healthcare supplies needed to protect frontline workers and the machines needed to help those affected by coronavirus, such as access to N95 masks, face shields, gloves, and…


Declining Manufacturing Production Turns the Corner

Jerry Foster April 22, 2020

This week’s global data marks a turning point: the decline of manufacturing production is starting to flatten, and in some regions and industries, even shows an upturn in activity. For instance, let'…


Manufacturing Leaders Share COVID-19 Response

Plex Team April 17, 2020

In today’s volatile global environment, manufacturers around the world being tasked with adapting to fluctuating supply chain demands, meeting new regulatory requirements and addressing shifting…


4 Ways to Improve the Quality of Supply Chain Planning

Heather Hussin April 1, 2020

The rise of automation, shop floor analytics, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have impacted the manufacturing industry and enhanced production with the introduction of timely data for…


Auto Bolt Undergoes Digital Transformation with the Help of Cumulus and Plex

Steven Engelman April 30, 2018

Auto Bolt is a proud American cold-heading bolt manufacturer with over 65 years of experience in quality bolt-making. In 2017 the company took the leap and decided to take on the implementation of…


Medical Device Manufacturers Answer the COVID-19 Call

Plex Team April 23, 2020

Medical device manufacturers like Okay Industries are finding ways to support healthcare individuals and industries by becoming more creative and resourceful.


Manufacturing Production Holds Steady While Automakers Plan to Reopen

Jerry Foster April 30, 2020

Declining manufacturing production turned a corner last week – starting to flatten in most regions around the globe – and seems to be holding steady according to our most recent data.




Restarting Plex ERP After An Unprecedented Shutdown

Monti Piccioni May 1, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the manufacturing industry across the world, including organizations that leverage the Plex smart manufacturing systemplatform. Fragmented supply chains have…


5 Reasons to Attend PowerPlex 2020

Kaitlin Rebella December 12, 2019

PowerPlex, the annual user conference that brings together manufacturers from around the globe, is set to take place May 12-14, 2020 in Detroit. If you haven’t already heard the news, early bird…


How Jagemann Answered the Call for PPE Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Amy Jagemann May 5, 2020

Guest post from Amy Jagemann, marketing and customer service manager, Jagemann Stamping

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we view business, our personal lives and the safety of…


5 Key Takeaways from the 5th Annual State of Manufacturing Technology Report

Jerry Foster May 7, 2020

The state of manufacturing technology is one that is constantly evolving.

What is true one month might not be true the next, and we have seen that volatility with the impact of COVID-19. So how do…


COVID-19 Update: Top Four Things to Know about Manufacturing Production This Week

Jerry Foster May 13, 2020

This week’s unique manufacturing data shows an upward trend in activity, with many regions and industries around the world showing signs of increased production. It is a hopeful sign as COVID-19-…


Key Takeaways from PowerPlex: Day 2

Plex Team May 13, 2020

As PowerPlex 2020 continues today for more than 2,000 attendees, we proud to be hosting this year’s event virtually, but still with the same insight and knowledge you’ve come to expect from us every…


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