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Any plant manager will tell you that the health and safety of their workers has always been a top priority. But as the COVID-19 crisis wages on, manufacturers around the world are having to quickly adapt their already robust safety initiatives to include strict protocols to prevent the spread of the virus.
In order to benefit the greater good of the manufacturing industry, leading organizations are proactively sharing best practices so that others may benefit from their key learnings. For example, Firstronic – a manufacturer of advanced electronics for the automotive, industrial and medical device industry based in Grand Rapids, Michigan – recently shared insights on the proactive COVID-19 health and safety initiatives the company has put in place in an illuminating article for their customers, suppliers, and partners.
These steps include: providing work-at-home options for non-essential front office personnel; moving all customer & supplier meetings to an online format; educating employees on proper sanitary practices and Coronavirus symptoms and risks; conducting thorough health screenings and implementing production processes that will allow workers to stay at home should the need arise.
While the situation is changing in real-time, you can read more about the steps that Firstronic has taken to protect their employees in their recently published quarterly newsletter.