Smart Manufacturing Blog

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3 Ways Technology Enhances Modern Manufacturing Operations

Plex Team December 12, 2016

Manufacturers wrestle with a challenging environment—global economic uncertainty, political pressure on trade, and the need to properly time investments for the future. Driving efficiency,…


How Manufacturers Thrive in an Uncertain Economy

Plex Team September 14, 2016

How do you handle uncertain times? One strategy is to hunker down and “weather the storm.” For manufacturers, this often means limiting technology investments until the chaos subsides, then…


Supplier Expands Production with Manufacturing ERP Software

Plex Team August 1, 2016

Putting customers first is a mantra that FloraCraft takes to heart. The company has built its 70-year reputation as the world’s largest fabricator and supplier of Styrofoam™ brand foam products for…


The Manufacturing Digital Transformation: Connecting the Shop Floor

Andrew Hughes July 25, 2016

The constant hum of excitement about the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is becoming louder and more intelligible every day. It is now clear that we are well passed the initial hype (even if…


PowerPlex 2016: #WeMake Things

Plex Team May 17, 2016

This year’s PowerPlex conference April 25-28 in Detroit, Michigan had 1,200 attendees—that is to say, 1,200 “makers of things”— the largest gathering of cloud manufacturing professionals in the world…


Analytics: The Key to More Efficient Operations and Better Products

Plex Team April 19, 2016

Paul Wright, VP, Information Technology and CIO of Accuride, a leading global supplier of commercial vehicle wheels and wheel end components, shares his perspective on how Big Data and analytics has…


Will Jobs Be Lost to Automation?

Anurag Garg October 22, 2019

Product and technology innovation has transformed life as we know it in the last few decades, and the pace of change is only getting faster over the next decade. Inventors and innovators continue to…


Manufacturers: Risk is an Opportunity, Not a Cost Driver

John Dancoe July 9, 2018

As a fastener manufacturer, delivering high quality ensures (among other things) that scrap rates are kept low and first pass yield remains high. But did you know that it could also influence which…


General Data Protection Regulation and Plex Customers

Plex Team May 9, 2018

The European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is set to take effect May 25, 2018. Now is a good time to discuss the capabilities Plex offers to help customers meet their GDPR…


Family-Owned, Precision Metalforming Company Ready for IIoT, Wearables, and What's Next

Dave Morfas February 28, 2018

The phrase “manufacturing leader” often conjures images of large, multinational companies that are household names. Unfortunately, you rarely hear about leaders among smaller, often family-owned…


Active Planning at Plex and How Manufacturers Can Leverage It Too

Hemant Makhija October 19, 2017

Most businesses do planning and budgeting using spreadsheets. Everyone knows how to use them and they provide a good enough tool but, they are error-prone and time-consuming when it comes to sharing…


Four Key Considerations Manufacturers Need to Know with a Global ERP Implementation

In today's highly competitive marketplace, chances are good you're considering, have decided, or have been asked by customers or suppliers to expand your business across borders. Growing your company…


Why It’s Critical for Manufacturers to Embrace Digital Transformation Now

Stu Johnson October 2, 2017

Running a manufacturing business is not easy: complying with strict industry regulations, consistently producing quality products, and responding to a rapidly fluctuating customer demand. And your IT…


4 Ways Manufacturers Benefit from End-to-End Supply Chain Planning

Hemant Makhija August 30, 2017

Leading manufacturers intuitively understand the importance of optimizing the flow of materials in their operations. They also are more mature in analyzing and interpreting the valuable data their…


Argent Sparks Growth and Employee Satisfaction with New Manufacturing Technology

Kaitlin Rebella August 21, 2017

They’re under the hood of your car, on the medicine you take, and on the groceries you buy. They help shop floor operators make things like phone chargers, and you use them to figure out which…


How Small Manufacturing Companies Can Lead the Industry

Hemant Makhija August 15, 2017

Most manufacturing firms in the U.S. are small—99 percent have less than 500 employees, 75 percent of which have less than 20 employees.1 And since small manufacturing companies are at the heart of…


Shank’s Extracts Takes Control of Inventory to Transform Business

Kaitlin Rebella June 20, 2017

In 1899 when pharmacist Jacob Shank created a compound flavoring of vanilla bean to improve the taste of his medicine, he had no idea that this inspiration would turn into a successful business over…


Firstronic Overhauls Its Processes to Beat the Competition

Dave Morfas June 9, 2017

I recently had the privilege of presenting with Plex customer Sandy Kolp, Director of Program Management and Plant Manager, from Firstronic, LLC at IndustryWeek’s Manufacturing & Technology…


How American Axle and Manufacturing Broke Down the Silos to Gain One Version of the Truth

Stu Johnson February 2, 2017

If you have difficulty getting your arms around how your manufacturing business is actually performing, you are not alone. It’s the number one challenge many manufacturers I talk to want to tackle…


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