Modern manufacturing is too complex for manual processes, and relying on disparate systems to run your business drains precious time. In fact, thirty-eight percent of manufacturers say they face…
Technological capabilities are advancing exponentially, and business leaders everywhere are asking the question, “How do I take advantage of all these new capabilities without losing focus on my core…
What happens to IT staff in the move to cloud ERP? For many years now Mint Jutras has been asking survey participants in its annual Enterprise Solution Study what they find appealing about software…
Uncertain economic times have one of two effects on the manufacturing psyche. Many companies hunker down and ‘weather the storm’ by limiting technology investment until the chaos subsides, trying to…
FT Precision makes rocker arms for one of the world’s leading automotive OEMs, delivering products that are key to the performance of some of the worlds most efficient and reliable automobiles.…
It’s that time of the year: time to set resolutions that’ll guide you through 2016. As a manufacturer, your goals might be to leverage plant floor data to improve efficiencies, streamline processes…
The introduction of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) caused major changes in Food & Beverage manufacturing. Manufacturers are focused on food safety and traceability as well as how their…
A manufacturing revolution is flourishing. Driven by passionate entrepreneurs, this revolution is translating their creativity, craftsmanship and commitment to exceptional quality into products that…
Given the pace of change with coronavirus (COVID-19) – both the spread of the virus, and the responses from local and federal governments – we are sharing resources and information that may be…
Manufacturers in Canada are often the primary recipients for government funding, as manufacturing grants tend to be more widely available than for any other industry segment, making industrial…
With Halloween around the corner, spooky stories aren’t far behind. But, for manufacturing professionals, the scariest season might not be limited to October 31st alone. Terror can take on a whole…
Make no mistake about it: ERP is a major investment for any manufacturer. The new solution you choose may be Command Central for your employees for the next eight to 10 years—or longer. Many…
f you’ve noticed the sheer number of electric vehicles on the road today, you can imagine how quickly manufacturers within this industry are growing. One company in particular, Eurotranciatura Mexico…
Management thinker Peter Drucker is often quoted as saying that “you can't manage what you can't measure.” In a manufacturing environment, this sage management advise can quickly feel impossible to…
We’re not going to dance around it: buying a new ERP solution for your manufacturing business is a big deal. It’s a long, involved process. It requires buy-in from a diverse group of stakeholders.…
The Canadian Manufacturing industry is undergoing significant change. Caused in part by new competitive pressures from globalization, an aging workforce, and aging production technologies, Canadian…
Cloud-based software is all around us. From the social networks you use to connect with family, to the app that you use to pay your friend back for lunch, the cloud enables the technology that we…
As a top ten supplier for Toyota, Toyotetsu America, Inc. (TTAI) saw an opportunity to influence and improve supplier communication and collaboration within its global supply chain by digitizing its…
The shortage of skilled workers in manufacturing is the biggest challenge facing the industry right now. In the U.S., some estimated two-million jobs will need to be filled in manufacturing over the…