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Plex Manufacturing Blog

How Smart Manufacturing Platforms Empower Sustainability

Plex Team August 2, 2022

There’s no denying that more and more manufacturers are embracing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives with aims to improve both performance and accountability. Naturally, these efforts often center around sustainability. While we’re a long way from closed-loop manufacturing, sustainability efforts gain return value to companies in areas like waste, material usage, supply…

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Are You Meeting Ford’s FMEA Quality Software Requirements?

Plex Team June 13, 2022

Change can be scary, especially when you’re faced with limited time to make a critical decision. You’re under pressure and may not have time to do the due diligence you normally would in situations like this. But it’s also not a time to cut corners....

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5 Keys to Managing Supply Chain Planning in Uncertain Times

Plex DemandCaster September 1, 2020

With the world having been plunged into uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic, it's more important than ever for businesses to manage their supply chain. ...

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