Smart Manufacturing Blog

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Integrating Planning and Scheduling: How Is It Done?

Plex DemandCaster September 21, 2018

Modern manufacturing operations are constantly challenged to be flexible, yet efficient. Find out how to integrate planning and scheduling here. ...

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Sales & Operations Planning: The Key to Managing Change

Plex DemandCaster September 19, 2018

Discover the key to managing change in your sales & operation planning. We have highlighted the bedrock principle of supply chain management for manufacturers. ...

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The Benefits of Operational Planning

Plex DemandCaster September 12, 2018

Sales and Operation Planning (S&OP) could be the least understood aspect in Supply Chain. Learn more about the benefits of operational planning here. ...

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What Is Lead Time Variability and How Can You Beat It?

Plex DemandCaster August 22, 2018

Lead time variability is a problem in any supply chain/manufacturing environment. Learn more about lead time variability and how you beat the system. ...

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What is the Difference between Planning and Scheduling?

Plex DemandCaster August 14, 2018

Any company with operations and production will be dealing with planning and scheduling challenges. This article covers both critical functions in more detail. ...

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5 Warning Signs of Ineffective Demand Planning

Plex DemandCaster August 7, 2018

When properly executed, demand planning puts you in the best position to deliver exceptional customer service while improving profitability. In contrast, both of those goals are often at risk when demand planning is ineffective. You can head off problems by looking for early signs that your demand planning efforts may be “less than stellar” and need some improvement. Before getting to those, a…

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5 Most Common Mistakes Made in Sales Forecasting

Plex DemandCaster July 31, 2018

Businesses must cope with fluctuations in demand, supply of raw materials, and shipping. Read these five common mistakes made in sales forecasting. ...

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Emerging New Trends Changing Supply Chain Management Today

Plex DemandCaster July 24, 2018

What are the current trends in supply chain management? This article covers six key trends causing significant impact and change to the supply chain. ...

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The Difference Between S&OP and Budgeting & Why It Matters

Plex DemandCaster July 18, 2018

Discover the easiest way to understand the difference between sales and operations planning and budgeting with PLEX DemandCaster. ...

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Chief Supply Chain Officer Responsibilities

Plex DemandCaster July 17, 2018

Supply chain planning requires the implementation of best practices in network design and demand forecasting. We cover this and all the responsibilities of a Chief Supply Chain Officer. ...

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