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When you think about traditional ERP configurations, access is usually limited to a select few. This is usually because the system requires coding expertise or the licensing is limited to a small number of users.
Argent International was looking for a different kind of ERP—one that would allow everyone in the company to access relevant information that empowered them to make better decisions, do their jobs more effectively, and contribute to the success of the business overall. Today, every employee at Argent has a username and password for the Plex Manufacturing Cloud. The company’s leadership believes in the idea of involving every employee in the business, known as “open book management.” With financial information accessible, employees can see how they can contribute to cost management, higher quality, and better performance. The company displays weekly profit and loss numbers on a video monitor outside the lunchroom so everyone can stay on track for the month. Now when auditors come in, they go directly to Plex to see how the company manages quality within the system in real time.
How has this employee empowerment paid off for Argent? The numbers tell the story: nearly 100 percent on-time delivery rate, 98 percent inventory accuracy, and 20 percent sales growth. Not only that, but inventory is so accurate that employees no longer do physical checks on raw materials. And machine downtime has decreased due to a combination of Plex and the company’s Ando lighting system. If a machine is down longer than 20 minutes the Andon light will flash notifying shop floor employees of the situation. Then Plex will send out alerts so action can be taken quickly.
With data at every employee’s fingertips, Argent has discovered accessibility as a key ingredient to running a more efficient and profitable manufacturing operation. Read Argent’s full success story here.