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Plex Manufacturing Blog

How Small Manufacturing Companies Can Lead the Industry

Hemant Makhija August 15, 2017

Most manufacturing firms in the U.S. are small—99 percent have less than 500 employees, 75 percent of which have less than 20 employees.1 And since small manufacturing companies are at the heart of creating the products the world uses, they are in the unique position to make changes at the grass root level that can lead the industry....

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BRC Rubber and Plastics Continues Reputation of Dependability with Plex

Kaitlin Rebella August 10, 2017

If you don’t hear much about a company’s supply chain in the news, it typically means that it’s working just as it should. Keeping a supply chain running efficiently (and silently) is solely dependent on suppliers all doing their jobs well—including responding quickly to any changes, updates, or challenges that may arise as part of the day-to-day manufacturing process....

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Taking the Risk Out of Automotive Supplier Compliance

Stu Johnson August 9, 2017

Keeping up with industry requirements and regulations is critical if you’re an automotive supplier/manufacturer. If you don’t, you won’t be competitive for automotive business where compliance to ISO, and soon International Automotive Task Force (IATF), is a requirement not an option....

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Digital Transformation in the Manufacturing Industry: Why Should You Care?

Plex Team August 8, 2017

The complexity and pace of customer demands have changed, which means you’ve likely had to evaluate if your manufacturing operations are keeping pace. Relying on manual processes and paper-based information is no longer sustainable if you want to compete. There are more and more companies willing to step in and take your market share....

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How to Operationalize Quality Control on the Shop Floor

Stu Johnson July 14, 2017

Ensuring that quality controls are in place is a never-ending task for operations and quality managers. And it’s especially hard to do if you’re using manual, paper-based documentation. The key is to tie operational performance with a production control plan and work instructions that everyone has access to, and because plans are revised and instructions may change, it's ideal to have online…

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Food and Beverage Manufacturers: Are Your Business Processes and Tools Eating Up Your Revenue?

Plex Team July 11, 2017

Do you struggle to gather documentation when you need to show compliance to customer or industry reporting requirements? If so, you’re like many companies still using manual or paper-based quality processes during production....

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What’s It Like at an Award-Winning Manufacturing Plant?

Dave Morfas June 27, 2017

We are proud of our customers. They are leading the manufacturing industry into the future and we’re not the only ones noticing how awesome they are. Many have won Excellence awards for doing what they do best: make amazing things. In 2016 alone, these customers were acknowledged for their manufacturing excellence:...

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What You Don’t Know About Manufacturing Traceability Could Hurt Your Business

Ken Keller June 23, 2017

You likely use some type of traceability procedure to comply with customer and market mandates and/or for service, safety, and process improvement purposes. However, if you are relying on manual processes, you are likely missing critical steps in the production process where errors may occur. ...

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Why Manufacturing Traceability Is Key to Reducing Errors

Stu Johnson June 16, 2017

Paper records are prone to errors, difficult to manage, and may be impossible to find in a timely manner, like within two hours as the FDA requires. High profile recalls have increased in recent years and culpable manufacturers have paid high costs to their businesses and their brands....

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Error-Proofing Your Manufacturing Business with a Single Source of Truth

Stu Johnson May 23, 2017

Your production operations are likely an automated and complex choreography of people and machines working together to produce products of predictable, repeatable quality. But manufacturing is complex and all the moving parts can be difficult to keep up with, which opens the door to mistakes....

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