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Plex Manufacturing Blog

2019 PMA Leadership Conference: Forming Our Future

Stu Johnson April 2, 2019

One thing became very clear to me attending the 2019 PMA Leadership Conference, there is no shortage of challenges facing the manufacturing industry right now. Tariffs are making raw materials so expensive it’s difficult to compete. The skilled worker shortage continues to be a thorn most manufacturers are still grappling with. And the need to innovate while driving efficiency is always critical…

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Connectivity and Visibility in the Supply Chain Critical for Global Manufacturing

Stu Johnson March 19, 2019

Supply chain visibility helps manufacturers drive down the cost of operations and speed time-to-market. Visibility is difficult to achieve however without connectivity. Connectivity between systems enables more visibility throughout the supply chain—from demand to order to delivery and everywhere in between....

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Data Analytics Use Maturing Among Manufacturers

Anurag Garg March 12, 2019

The face of manufacturing looks very different in 2019 than it did 10 years ago; increased competition, downward pricing pressures, tougher supply chain requirements, ageing infrastructure, and a diminishing manufacturing workforce—manufacturers have been challenged to look for ways to do more with less in order to remain competitive. ...

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Survey Says: Manufacturers, Choose Technology Wisely

Richard Murray February 26, 2019

There are thousands of technology innovations now available to manufacturers, from new equipment to robotics, software, business intelligence tools, wearables, and sensors. The sheer number of choices available means manufacturers must work harder than ever to find the signal in the noise....

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Spend Time with Family and Friends This Holiday Season (Instead of Counting Inventory)

Stu Johnson December 18, 2018

It’s that time of year again. When tinsel and toys fill nearly every store window on nearly every corner of nearly every street in the U.S.A. It’s also when most manufacturers block days off on the calendar to do a physical inventory. ...

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Designing an Adaptable User Experience for Manufacturing Today (and Tomorrow)

Hollie Tanner November 27, 2018

Technology is in transition. Technology is always in transition, but today that transition is noticeably changing how we operate. One of the biggest changes we are adapting to in manufacturing is the move from desktops and workstations to handheld devices....

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FABTECH 2018: Manufacturing Set to Grow--Finding Workers Still a Challenge

Stu Johnson November 20, 2018

While at FABTECH 2018, North America's largest metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing show in Chicago, we noticed that the industry is on the growth path. Production in the U.S. is estimated to grow 2.8 percent from 2018-2021.1 We’ve also seen that optimism within the manufacturing industry is at an all-time high. ...

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A Halloween Haunting: Scary Stories for Manufacturers

Kaitlin Rebella October 29, 2018

We love the manufacturing industry. And some of us also love celebrating Halloween. What if we combined these two things by re-imagining some of today’s most popular thrillers set in a manufacturing environment? It’s not that farfetched. Let’s explore some ideas....

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“What Is Your IIoT Strategy?” Is the Wrong Question

Stu Johnson August 20, 2018

Manufacturers need to do more! Competitors are doing more--and perhaps at a lower cost. Customers expect more--and may demand a discount assuming that you're continuously improving. The recent technology trends seem to miss the fact that it’s your business strategy that's the thing. Not technology for technology sake. ...

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Plastics and Rubber Manufacturers: 11 Tips to Help You Grow Your Business with Less

Hemant Makhija July 25, 2018

It has almost become a cliché to say that manufacturers are under constant pressure to deliver higher quality products at a lower cost. But this cliché happens to be true—especially in the plastics and rubber sector. Given the sheer breadth of products you manufacture and the seemingly endless number of applications for these products, your target market is complex and constantly changing....

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