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Industrial Manufacturing

Plex Manufacturing Blog

Demystifying IIoT: Terms Every Manufacturer Should Know

Anurag Garg August 27, 2019

By now, you’ve heard a lot about the industrial Internet of things (IIoT). It’s a network of always-connected things and systems that produce a steady stream of data, which can generate compelling synergistic analytics that could be used to increase the overall efficiency of a manufacturing operation among other things. ...

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Making Sense of MES and MOM

Stu Johnson August 20, 2019

If you’re serious about improving your manufacturing operations and have shopped around for systems to help you achieve your goals, you’ve probably run into two commonly used terms: manufacturing execution system (MES), and manufacturing operations management (MOM). Just when you learned what MES meant, you probably discovered that MOM means basically the same thing....

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How is the Canadian Manufacturing Industry Responding to Change?

Chris Casemore August 8, 2019

The Canadian Manufacturing industry is undergoing significant change. Caused in part by new competitive pressures from globalization, an aging workforce, and aging production technologies, Canadian manufacturers are looking at new ways to innovate their key manufacturing processes to help sustain and improve their position in the global market....

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Industrial IoT and the Pragmatic Manufacturer: Lessons Learned from Prime Day 2019

Anurag Garg July 25, 2019

There is quite a lot of hype surrounding the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) within the manufacturing industry. Large-scale Industrial IoT pilots driven by enterprise-focused technology companies paint pictures of fully-connected and automated plants, complete with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) that promise ROI but require large early investments of time and capital…

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Cloud Manufacturing Software: Understanding SaaS Solution Availability

Todd Weeks July 18, 2019

Cloud-based software is all around us. From the social networks you use to connect with family, to the app that you use to pay your friend back for lunch, the cloud enables the technology that we rely upon to process incredible amounts of data....

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Canada APMA 2019: Survival of the Fastest—and Most Adaptive

Mike Hart July 9, 2019

I recently had the privilege of speaking at Canada’s Automotive Parts Manufacturer’s Association (APMA) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Windsor, Ontario and what struck me was the amount of change happening within this industry. One example of this is for the first, time conference organizers added an entire day to the schedule dedicated to technology....

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3 Things About ERP Implementations Most Manufacturers Don’t Know

Dave Morfas June 28, 2019

A recent survey conducted by Mint Jutras and commissioned by Ultra Consultants looked at ERP implementations—whether they are doomed to fail or whether ROI expectations are high enough. For small- to mid-sized manufacturers, ERP is an endeavor that becomes necessary as the business grows since managing a complex operation with spreadsheets is unsustainable....

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6 Myths About an Industrial IoT Implementation

Stu Johnson June 18, 2019

As more manufacturers take a serious look at the benefits of Industrial IoT, understanding what an implementation will involve becomes important. But before we get into the list of myths about an Industrial IoT implementation, I’d like to reiterate what I’ve said about Industrial IoT before:...

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Women Leaders in Manufacturing and Technology: Facing Challenges, Taking Action, and Bridging the Gap

Cheryl Yuran June 13, 2019

The shortage of skilled workers in manufacturing is the biggest challenge facing the industry right now. In the U.S., some estimated two-million jobs will need to be filled in manufacturing over the next decade—and six out of 10 positions are currently unfilled.1 Women constitute one of US manufacturing’s largest pools of untapped talent; however, they still represent less than 30 percent of the…

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Romeo Power Innovates for a Clean, More Sustainable Future

Lori Zoellner June 11, 2019

Romeo Power is a battery technology company looking to create an emission-free future. The company designs more energy efficient, lighter lithium-ion battery packs that take electric vehicles (EV) further without gas or emissions. Romeo Power also designs scalable energy storage systems that help businesses and utilities save money, survive and prevent power outages, and harness wind and solar…

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