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Industrial Manufacturing

Plex Manufacturing Blog

Declining Manufacturing Production Turns the Corner

Jerry Foster April 22, 2020

This week’s global data marks a turning point: the decline of manufacturing production is starting to flatten, and in some regions and industries, even shows an upturn in activity. For instance, let's first look at two of our bigger data sets – manufacturing in the United States and China, both of which are showing signs of improvement (see graphs below). U.S. data set...

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Manufacturing Leaders Share COVID-19 Response

Plex Team April 17, 2020

In today’s volatile global environment, manufacturers around the world being tasked with adapting to fluctuating supply chain demands, meeting new regulatory requirements and addressing shifting customer needs – all while protecting the health and safety of their workers....

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Worker Health and Safety Becomes a Global Conversation

Plex Team April 13, 2020

Any plant manager will tell you that the health and safety of their workers has always been a top priority. But as the COVID-19 crisis wages on, manufacturers around the world are having to quickly adapt their already robust safety initiatives to include strict protocols to prevent the spread of the virus....

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The Value of Continuing Project Education During a Crisis

Todd Kisaberth April 9, 2020

As COVID-19 continues to impact business of all shapes and sizes across the globe, we are seeing upheaval in society we thought only existed in popular works of fiction. With more than 80 percent of the global workforce affected by full or partial workplace closures, it goes without saying that many companies are trying to figure out the best way to get work done....

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While New COVID-19 Cases in Asia and Europe Flatten, Manufacturing Recovery Lags

Jerry Foster April 8, 2020

According to the latest Plex data on global smart manufacturing production, overall manufacturing activity (see graph, below) is still dropping, while reports that the rate of new COVID-19 cases in some Asian and European countries we’ve been tracking are flattening and slowing, respectively. ...

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Thoughtful Supply Chain Planning in the Face of Rapid Change

Ara Surenian April 7, 2020

There’s little that could properly prepare the world for the magnitude of global events such as the COVID-19 global pandemic. These situations not only impact us as individuals, but often highlight critical vulnerabilities in our business processes. ...

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Manufacturers: Expect a Prolonged Recovery

Jerry Foster April 1, 2020

A lot has changed around the world since we at Plex reported last week’s findings. The number of reported COVID-19 cases in the U.S., Italy, and Spain have each surpassed China. Italy is starting to see a modest decline in new cases....

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4 Ways to Improve the Quality of Supply Chain Planning

Heather Hussin April 1, 2020

The rise of automation, shop floor analytics, and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have impacted the manufacturing industry and enhanced production with the introduction of timely data for more informed decision making. But what about major shifts like enhanced in-car connectivity, growing demand for electric vehicles, or adjusting to changing customer preferences? Are manufacturers…

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China Serves as Potential Model for Post-Coronavirus Manufacturing Resurgence

Jerry Foster March 26, 2020

Over the weekend, China announced it would be reopening its tourist attractions. It’s an encouraging turnaround for the country, which has experienced more than 80,000 confirmed cases since the virus broke around Chinese New Year. As the first country to experience the devastation of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), China is also serving as a model for recovery....

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COVID-19 Resources for Manufacturers

Jerry Foster March 20, 2020

Given the pace of change with coronavirus (COVID-19) – both the spread of the virus, and the responses from local and federal governments – we are sharing resources and information that may be helpful to you as you determine your own company’s business continuity response and strategy in real time....

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