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Industrial Manufacturing

Plex Manufacturing Blog

How Manufacturers Thrive in an Uncertain Economy

Plex Team September 14, 2016

How do you handle uncertain times? One strategy is to hunker down and “weather the storm.” For manufacturers, this often means limiting technology investments until the chaos subsides, then attempting to time technology improvements during high-growth periods....

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Cloud ERP Technology Transforms IT Teams

Cindy Jutras September 6, 2016

What happens to IT staff in the move to cloud ERP? For many years now Mint Jutras has been asking survey participants in its annual Enterprise Solution Study what they find appealing about software as a service (SaaS). We give them quite an extensive list of potential benefits and allow them to select as many as they would like....

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The Power of Mobile ERP: 3 Benefits for Manufacturers

Plex Team August 24, 2016

Mobile ERP is about more than just using phones and tablets to access data. It’s a two-way experience in which machine-to-machine communication is as relevant as human communication. Mobile ERP enabled by the cloud provides these three benefits:...

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Oracle Hoping NetSuite Purchase Will Provide Entry to Cloud ERP Market

Jim Shepherd August 2, 2016

If there was any remaining doubt that the ERP market has shifted to the cloud it was dispelled last week when Oracle announced its intent to buy NetSuite for $9.3B. Despite already owning four different ERP products the company has clearly recognized that native, multi-tenant SaaS products like NetSuite, Plex, Workday, and are the future of enterprise software....

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Supplier Expands Production with Manufacturing ERP Software

Plex Team August 1, 2016

Putting customers first is a mantra that FloraCraft takes to heart. The company has built its 70-year reputation as the world’s largest fabricator and supplier of Styrofoam™ brand foam products for the craft, floral, display, and special event industries on this guiding principle. Jim Scatena, FloraCraft’s President and CEO says it’s this philosophy that has helped his business remain so…

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Proud to Be One of Detroit’s Best and Brightest Companies

Plex Team July 27, 2016

For the eighth consecutive year, Plex Systems, a leader in cloud ERP for manufacturing, has been named one of Detroit’s Best & Brightest Companies to Work For®. This honor is particularly meaningful to us because it is based on input from the Plex team, who shared their opinions through an anonymous survey on Plex’s communications, work-life balance, education offerings, diversity,…

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The Manufacturing Digital Transformation: Connecting the Shop Floor

Andrew Hughes July 25, 2016

The constant hum of excitement about the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is becoming louder and more intelligible every day. It is now clear that we are well passed the initial hype (even if that is not the case in most consumer-facing IoT) and opportunities for forward thinking manufacturers are real. The initial benefits are in two areas: analytics and connectivity. But analytics and all…

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Debunking Cloud Myths: All Cloud ERP Is Not the Same

Jim Shepherd July 20, 2016

Mint Jutras, an ERP industry analyst firm, may have said it best: “All SaaS is cloud computing, but not all cloud computing is SaaS.“ There are huge benefits with systems made for the cloud versus those that are simply hosted in or converted to the cloud, and understanding those differences is important in an environment where software vendors do everything they can to confuse buyers....

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Parts Manufacturer Consolidates Operational and Shop Floor Data with Cloud ERP - Video

Plex Team July 18, 2016

Who is Avon Gear? Headquartered in Shelby Township, Michigan, Avon Gear Company manufactures precision-machined components and subassemblies for heavy industrial equipment manufacturers. The company has experienced steady growth since its beginnings in 1974 and continues to look for ways deliver quality products to its customers....

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How Cloud ERP Drives Manufacturing Innovation

Plex Team July 13, 2016

Manufacturing has always been driven by innovation, from the first production line to modern sensors and robotics. Today, wearables and other connected tools are poised to transform how things are made. A central force in this transformation is cloud ERP—which now reaches all the way from materials in the supply chain to the employees and equipment on the plant floor to the hands of the customer…

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