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Plex Manufacturing Blog

Guest Post: Electronic Documentation Eases FSMA Compliance

Dr. David A. Acheson January 28, 2013

On the two-year anniversary of the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act, or FSMA, the agency proposed its first two major FSMA rules – and the food industry finally got a glimpse into the FDA’s expectation of preventive controls. A major part of compliance is documentation. According to the FSMA, if it isn’t recorded, it didn’t happen....

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Guest Post: Improving the Inventory Process

David Turbide January 21, 2013

It’s January – and for many companies, that means going through the rigors of the annual physical inventory. Is your company about to count everything in the warehouse, or just finishing up the process? Are you happy about it?...

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Cloud ERP Implementations: One Year Later

Chris Bishop January 11, 2013

As you plan ahead for your manufacturing company in 2013, take a long, hard look at your systems. Traditional enterprise systems often take many months, or years, before they’re fully implemented – then more months and years before they make any real impact on overall business performance....

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Barcoding Grandfather Dies, But His Legacy Lives

Plex Team January 7, 2013

Last month, the technology world lost a true pioneer. N. Joseph Woodland, known as the “grandfather of barcoding,” died at age 91. This sad news gives us pause to reflect on what Woodland’s innovation has meant for the business world....

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The Case for a Smarter Approach to ERP Integration

Tom Decoe January 2, 2013

We work with manufacturers in a range of industries and find evidence of a common scenario, no matter the size company: the need for data integration. For the manufacturing enterprise, there are compelling business reasons to improve the level of integration between a company’s ERP system and other mission-critical applications. ...

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