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Plex Manufacturing Blog

The Manufacturing Digital Transformation: Connecting the Shop Floor

Andrew Hughes July 25, 2016

The constant hum of excitement about the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is becoming louder and more intelligible every day. It is now clear that we are well passed the initial hype (even if that is not the case in most consumer-facing IoT) and opportunities for forward thinking manufacturers are real. The initial benefits are in two areas: analytics and connectivity. But analytics and all…

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Debunking Cloud Myths: All Cloud ERP Is Not the Same

Jim Shepherd July 20, 2016

Mint Jutras, an ERP industry analyst firm, may have said it best: “All SaaS is cloud computing, but not all cloud computing is SaaS.“ There are huge benefits with systems made for the cloud versus those that are simply hosted in or converted to the cloud, and understanding those differences is important in an environment where software vendors do everything they can to confuse buyers....

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How Cloud ERP Drives Manufacturing Innovation

Plex Team July 13, 2016

Manufacturing has always been driven by innovation, from the first production line to modern sensors and robotics. Today, wearables and other connected tools are poised to transform how things are made. A central force in this transformation is cloud ERP—which now reaches all the way from materials in the supply chain to the employees and equipment on the plant floor to the hands of the customer…

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Debunking Cloud Myths: Total Cost of Ownership

Jim Shepherd June 29, 2016

I always welcome conversation about this statement – “ERP is much cheaper to run if I just own the software instead of renting it in the cloud.” It’s an opportunity to expose the true cost of legacy software ownership. TCO analysis is too often limited to comparing one-time license costs to ongoing subscription costs, ignoring more significant ‘ownership’ costs that add up....

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How Manufacturers Survive and Thrive in Turbulent Times

Plex Team June 13, 2016

Uncertain economic times have one of two effects on the manufacturing psyche. Many companies hunker down and ‘weather the storm’ by limiting technology investment until the chaos subsides, trying to time their investment to high-growth periods. Very difficult to do....

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How Manufacturers Survive and Thrive in Turbulent Times

Plex Team June 13, 2016

Uncertain economic times have one of two effects on the manufacturing psyche. Many companies hunker down and ‘weather the storm’ by limiting technology investment until the chaos subsides, trying to time their investment to high-growth periods. Very difficult to do....

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PowerPlex 2016: Women Leaders in Manufacturing and Technology

Plex Team May 31, 2016

This event was the second annual PowerPlex session devoted to women. This year’s panel included a cross-section of strong, articulate, and successful women in executive positions who had great advice for women pursuing careers in technology and manufacturing. ...

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Debunking Cloud Myths: Security and Reliability

Jim Shepherd May 23, 2016

At every trade show we attend, someone comes up and says, “I just don’t trust that the cloud is secure or reliable.” This myth comes from years of misinformation and, frankly, perceptions created by software vendors that have poor cloud solutions and are desperately playing catch-up....

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PowerPlex 2016: #WeMake Things

Plex Team May 17, 2016

This year’s PowerPlex conference April 25-28 in Detroit, Michigan had 1,200 attendees—that is to say, 1,200 “makers of things”— the largest gathering of cloud manufacturing professionals in the world. Each attendee’s badge told us, “we make automobile braking systems” or “we make beer” or “we make innovative ideas,” highlighting the manufacturing focus of Plex, as well as the company’s customers…

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Analytics: The Key to More Efficient Operations and Better Products

Plex Team April 19, 2016

Paul Wright, VP, Information Technology and CIO of Accuride, a leading global supplier of commercial vehicle wheels and wheel end components, shares his perspective on how Big Data and analytics has helped Accuride improve customer satisfaction and product quality, while at the same time improving efficiency and driving down costs....

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