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Industrial Manufacturing

Plex Manufacturing Blog

Active Planning at Plex and How Manufacturers Can Leverage It Too

Hemant Makhija October 19, 2017

Most businesses do planning and budgeting using spreadsheets. Everyone knows how to use them and they provide a good enough tool but, they are error-prone and time-consuming when it comes to sharing and collaboration. Links get broken and formulas have to be manually copied and pasted. Not a great solution when business moves at light speed or when things change, and they always do....

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Connectivity, Automation, and IIoT Power the Modern Shop Floor

Dave Morfas October 12, 2017

Manufacturing starts on the shop floor. It’s where material moves, product is created, ultimately, where the work gets done. Every day, new devices and equipment are providing manufacturers with new opportunities for innovation and connection. In its four years, the 2017 State of Manufacturing Technology Report surveyed more than 150 manufacturers and reveals how manufacturers are leveraging…

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Four Key Considerations Manufacturers Need to Know with a Global ERP Implementation

Javier Tamayo and Monti Piccioni October 9, 2017

In today's highly competitive marketplace, chances are good you're considering, have decided, or have been asked by customers or suppliers to expand your business across borders. Growing your company's global footprint can indeed bring competitive advantages. It also brings added complexity and the need to expand business processes to seamlessly encompass multiple locations....

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Manufacturers are Relying on Technology for More Responsive Supply Chains

Hemant Makhija October 5, 2017

Agility and speed are the hallmarks of today’s supply chains due to increased global connectivity and competition. No longer is it enough to focus on quality, costs, or efficiency to remain competitive. Manufacturers today need to be responsive to shifts in customer demands, and they are realizing that the key to differentiation is in supply chain execution and flexibility....

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Why It’s Critical for Manufacturers to Embrace Digital Transformation Now

Stu Johnson October 2, 2017

Running a manufacturing business is not easy: complying with strict industry regulations, consistently producing quality products, and responding to a rapidly fluctuating customer demand. And your IT team (or person) doesn’t have an easy job, either. Their days are spent fighting fires, manually consolidating from paper-based processes, keeping point solutions running, creating reports, and…

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Connected Manufacturers are Driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Kaitlin Rebella September 28, 2017

While some continue to herald the coming of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in manufacturing, many of today’s manufacturers are proving that it’s here already. Manufacturers are taking advantage of available technology to disrupt markets, accelerate innovation, and transform customer relationships. Yet, challenges still remain, like finding talent with the right skills and adjusting to…

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Mobility in Manufacturing: Connecting the Enterprise

Dave Morfas September 25, 2017

Mobile ERP technology and modern manufacturing means you no longer have to be onsite to ensure that everything is running as planned. You have visibility and control from a smartphone, or any browser-enabled device anytime, anywhere. But mobility goes beyond the device....

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The Two Forces of Change Pressuring Manufacturing Businesses Right Now

Dave Morfas September 21, 2017

It’s no secret that manufacturing is currently undergoing a massive disruption. Products used to be more standardized, demand signals more consistent and predictable, and the underlying supply chains and systems were built accordingly. Efficiency and quality were enough to drive market leadership. But not anymore....

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Common Manufacturing Supply Chain Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Hemant Makhija September 20, 2017

The goals of supply chain management and execution is to create a positive customer experience and achieve operational excellence. All too often, execution falls short either because of unanticipated changes or not enough visibility. ...

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Mistake Proofing in Manufacturing by Eliminating Manual Processes

Stu Johnson September 11, 2017

If you are still relying on manual, paper-based processes, quality is difficult to sustain and It’s likely you don’t even know exactly how much it’s costing you. The fact is, you rely on your quality control managers to ensure that operators are performing checks when and how they’re supposed to at appropriate intervals. ...

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