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Change can be scary, especially when you’re faced with limited time to make a critical decision. You’re under pressure and may not have time to do the due diligence you normally would in situations like this. But it’s also not a time to cut corners.
Striving to meet Ford’s new FMEA quality software requirements can be stressful, but it also presents an opportunity. The right solution for your company won’t just keep you in business with Ford – it’ll unlock higher levels of production quality, efficiency, and margins, leading to opportunities you didn’t have before.
As a supplier to one of the world’s largest automakers, you’re currently in a unique position to take decisive action and make quality your differentiator. Here’s how.
Whether you’ve spent weeks researching the new FMEA quality software requirements or are just starting to make sense of things, we’ve got you covered. Straight from Ford’s IATF-16949 documentation, we’ve pinpointed the updated section impacting your operations:
“The Part and Foundation FMEAs shall be living documents that are always aligned. An update to the Foundation FMEA shall result in a review of the applicable information for the Part FMEA. This process also shall work backwards from the part FMEAs to the Foundation FMEA in that any updates to the part FMEAs result in updates of the applicable information in the Foundation FMEAs. In addition, FMEAs shall be aligned to the control plans and work instructions/visual aids.”
To make this possible, Ford is requiring suppliers to use software that aligns with Foundation FMEA and Part FMEA. For forward model programs, the deadline is July 1, 2022, while the deadline for all Foundation PFMEAs and subsequent updates is December 31, 2022.
Right now, you’re wishing that there was quality management software that puts you on the path to complying with Ford’s requirements and can be implemented rapidly. Plex QMS is that fully digital solution, and it is how other suppliers are forming their roadmap and progressing their quality journey amidst this change.
Plex software was born in the automotive manufacturing space and can help you reach departmental objectives and company goals. Advanced APQP, FMEA, and Core Tools functionality ensure that you have flawless product launches. The application allows you to easily deploy Design FMEA, process flows, PFMEA, and control plans to the floor. Processes are streamlined as spreadsheets are eliminated and data integration with MES or ERP solutions becomes a breeze.
While these high-level benefits sound good to you right now, we know you need more detail on how Plex QMS functions and features meet today’s new standards. When it comes to Foundation FMEA or Part FMEA, Ford requires suppliers to be able to show that information was sent for review while documenting that suggested changes were accepted and incorporated. Plex provides a continuous loop of digital notifications for changes, effectively creating a living FMEA in sync with other documents.
Furthermore, when the part control plan or Part FMEA updates, Ford requires functionality that causes the other to be updated. Plex also initiates a notification process when any updates are made. When it comes to visual structure, our software complies with AIAG requirements and includes 4M functions, failure modes, controls, and more.
Ford also put thought into user functionality, requiring users to be able to create a Part FMEA by selecting from process-specific or Foundation FMEAs. Importantly, the standard requires version control to ensure users don’t have conflicting documents on different computers. Plex’s cloud-based, multi-tenant QMS application has 99.9% uptime and empowers users in exactly this way.
Finally, Plex QMS contains additional key features that will help you meet Ford’s FMEA quality software requirements:
When change like this happens, you’re forced to act fast and don’t want to be held back by the very solution you need to remain in compliance. Plex QMS can be implemented in as little as five weeks. Whether you’re striving to meet Ford’s deadlines or are a supplier for another automaker preparing for inevitable change, choose a QMS solution that will keep you competitive today and into the future.