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The Argent team works from the same data driving their business forward trusting each other and the information they are putting in and getting out of The Plex Manufacturing Cloud. (1:05)
Lynn: I think the biggest impact that Plex has had in our business is really traceability all the way across all fields of the business.
Pat: Plex has helped me manage my work in allowing us to have a central point to not only manage our data but to all be on the same page and use the same data at the same time. It's important for Argent to have visibility because in the automotive industry, you can be rejected for a single bad part, and we ship out 350 million parts a year. So it's very, very important that we all have visibility to see where we're at. So if we're doing something that is not correct, we need to correct it now, not tomorrow, not a week from now. And Plex allows us to see what is going on today in real-time.
Lynn: The new system allows me to actually visually see my company without having to physically be there. Because Plex is now on my phone, it's really made me as the leader of the business much more efficient.