7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing

Now Available!

Get your copy of the 7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing and hear from 300+ manufacturers in this new survey report!

Confectionary Manufacturing

Ensure compliance and allergen management and adapt to seasonal, customer, and supplier demands.

Maintain consistency in every detail

As a manufacturer in the confectionary industry, you’re likely focused on maintaining consistent quality and compliance while driving operational efficiency and business growth. The Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform helps you plan ahead with real time visibility so you can perform custom audits, allergen separation and ability to trace and track your product throughout the production cycle.

Production Control

Manage bulk ingredients

Production Control

Gain visibility into the amount of materials required to fill orders throughout processing and formulation and adjust future bulk orders as needed.

Safety and Compliance

Synchronize quarantine packaging

Safety and Compliance

Separate allergens from other materials with custom schedules and notifications. Ensure that you’re in compliance with global food safety regulations.


Streamline checks and audits


Perform regular, custom quality checks of temperature, viscosity, formulation, and other aspects from pre-receipt of materials onward.

Our Customers

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