Plex is revolutionizing the Manufacturing industry. Read our latest news and analyst coverage and see how our customers are transforming their businesses.

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January 29, 2015
You can now find a cloud software solution for every industry, including manufacturing, Plex is proud to be the leading option for manufacturers.
January 28, 2015
ERP no longer equals on-premises. Is the ultimate legacy software ready to drive the next wave of cloud adoption?
January 27, 2015
Price Waterhouse Cooper’s new study predicts that investment in SaaS solutions will more than double by 2016 to $78 billion, while investment in traditional ERP systems will decline over 301%. The study reports that leading Cloud ERP providers, such as Plex, are increasingly being integrated into Hybrid ERP and two-tier ERP system architectures as their customers shift gears into new business models.
January 23, 2015
Five months after implementing a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform from Plex Systems, it’s too early for Dominion Liquid Technologies (DLT) to have quantitative data on how the software is improving operating efficiency.
November 22, 2014
TechTarget discusses the benefits of manufacturing companies who adopt cloud-based ERP applications.
September 3, 2014
An interesting thing about the transactional data captured by enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: The data is becoming interactive. This change is becoming increasingly obvious in cloud-based ERP systems, such as that from Plex Systems (
August 15, 2014
The Detroit News discusses how technology is moving the auto industry forward and creating jobs.
August 11, 2014
Companies such as General Motors Co. and manufacturing software provider Plex Systems are testing the hands-free, head-mounted intelligent devices for different uses in manufacturing, research and development.
August 4, 2014
Learn about the new factory technology in the pipeline that will turn workers’ clothing into data-emitting devices for plant management.
June 17, 2014
The annual PowerPlex customer event is now an established fixture on the analyst circuit with some of the best minds in manufacturing ERP in attendance along with 900 other attendees. The company made a raft of important announcements including the closing of a $50 million investment round by T. Rowe Price and Accel Partners, new innovations in mobile, a roadmap for solutions that take Plex up the food chain and new support packages.

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