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You might love the Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform™, but do you know those who make it possible? Talented people have been working hard behind the scenes for decades. They’re what make this company great, but few get the chance to step into the spotlight they deserve – until now. This month, say hello to Sr. Technical Support Rep Nagesh Kadam.
Tell us about your role at Plex.
Strategically addressing customer needs and issues related to products. Creating a positive customer product experience with high satisfaction. Also mentoring Pune support team for quality support experience to the customers.
What do you love most about your job?
I loved the outstanding level of collaboration at my Job. It was genuinely refreshing to be part of a team that worked harmoniously towards the same goal. Our manager and directors also encouraged us to come forward with ideas. Even if they disagreed with them, they never made anyone feel embarrassed for coming up with something. The team supported one another, and if someone was having problems, they didn’t hesitate to reach out and look for help because they knew a colleague was always willing to assist.
Your favorite Plex memory is:
I was so impressed with the onboarding process of the support team. Plex has broad details and levels of training and dedication of senior team members and management team for onboarding any new hires.
How will technology make the world smarter in the next 10 years?
We’ve already witnessed what AI and IoT is capable of, but this next decade will take things a notch higher. One of the most significant trends is the increasing ability of machines to learn and act intelligently. The impact of this is set to transform the world as we know it and is the source of the majority of the innovations that we’ll see in the next decade.
Where are you located?
Nashik, the "Wine Capital of India"
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was at five my dream was to become astronaut :)
If you could spend the day with any celebrity or historical figure, who would it be and why?
M.S. Dhoni. The incredible success he has achieved is unprecedented and something he can really be proud of. But the glory for him has not been that easy as he went through several hardships for achieving the same which makes him a role model for people who give up their dreams far too soon.
What are your favorite things to do on the weekend?
Spending time with family and Friends.