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You might love the Plex Smart Manufacturing Platform, but do you know the people who make it possible? Talented Plexians have been working hard behind the scenes for decades. They’re what make this company great, but few get the chance to step into the spotlight they deserve – until now. This month, say hello to Senior Engagement Manager Jan Brezina.
Tell us about your role at Plex.
As an Engagement Manager, I am responsible for driving internal and external (customer) teams to successfully implemented Plex solutions (ERP, MES, QMS, etc.).
What do you love most about your job?
To see how Plex products can bring simplicity to shop floor operators and reporting to management layers.
Your favorite Plex memory is:
Working together on a project with Sean O’Connor, who passed away earlier this year.
How will technology make the world smarter in the next 10 years?
Technology will make everything more accessible and usable for people who will be able to afford it.
Tell us about a major opportunity or challenge in today’s manufacturing industry.
It’s both – opportunity and challenge at the same time. Smart manufacturing brings different demands on the operators who will need to adapt to the future of manufacturing, which will increase shop floor intelligence. We will need to be ready as a society to help to those who will not be able to adapt at the same time.
Where are you located?
Prague, Czech Republic.
What’s your favorite nonprofit or charity?
It’s Movember which, via various type of events, helps fight suicide prevention, mental health issues, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. I learned about it from friends who participated.
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I was naive, so superhero :)
Name the best place you’ve ever visited.
With my wife, we have visited one resort in Maldives… we want to return so badly. If anybody tries to Google it, remember please, no camera can capture it better than what you will experience with your own eyes.
What are your favorite things to do on the weekend?
At first it would be to spend valuable time with my family. The second thing, as motorsport fan, would be to attend an F1 Grand Prix in any country. Best of the best would be combine two options together :)
You’re stranded on a desert island and only allowed three books. Which would they be?
If you could spend the day with any celebrity or historical figure, who would it be?
My choice would be Dale Carnegie. He devoted his life to studying social behaviors and helped people become better.
Three musical artists or bands you never get sick of are:
Brutus (Rakovnik), Michal Hruza, and Karel Gott.
If you had to live inside one movie for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
I guess the movie Time Machine.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you:
I got to the final cut of umpires for the Field Hockey tournament under the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. The 1st ever from Czech Republic.