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Plex DemandCaster

Supply Chain Planning

Preview Plex DemandCaster

About the Author

Since joining forces with Plex, by Rockwell Automation, in 2016, we’ve harnessed the power of its Smart Manufacturing Platform and industry knowledge to offer a digitized supply chain planning product. It seamlessly unites your business from the plant floor to the executive suite. To learn more about how we are bringing the Connected Enterprise to life across industrial enterprises, visit

Where Did My Inventory Go?

Plex DemandCaster April 5, 2023

It’s happened to every manufacturing professional over the years: The computer – or clipboard – shows enough stock to make the scheduled product, but a short delivery or quick uptick in demand means there isn't enough stock on hand to fulfill orders.Inventory issues, no matter the reason, can be maddening. They can throw even the most carefully planned production schedules into chaos, leaving…

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Where Did My Raw Materials Go?

Plex DemandCaster March 22, 2023

In the age before computers, supply chain visibility depended on telephone calls, snail mail, verbal agreements, and even intuition. As technology advanced, these functions were computerized to give supply chain professionals better control over data and information....

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Don't Get Too Close to the Flame

Plex DemandCaster January 17, 2023

Plex DemandCaster Demand and Supply Software lets planning professionals use data-driven insights to navigate successfully and stay away from the flames. ...

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From Farm to Factory: How Fertilizer and Material Shortages Affect Food and Beverage Manufacturers

Plex DemandCaster January 17, 2023

It’s become a perfect storm. Massive disruption of supply chains for food products is becoming a regular threat. Driven by lingering COVID-19 impacts, the war in Ukraine, and other factors, there’s a global shortage of fertilizer....

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Lock it Down with Supply Chain Planning Software

Plex DemandCaster January 4, 2023

Read here to learn how supply chain planning software streamlines and automates supplier relationships and adds value for both parties. ...

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Just Ship it Already!

Plex DemandCaster December 12, 2022

Discover how software by Plex DemandCaster helps automate forecasting, manage supply chains in real time, and reduce or eliminates waste and overages. ...

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Unbox Your Inventory Strategy

Plex DemandCaster November 29, 2022

The threat of disruption and inflation has presented supply chain management with new challenges. Unbox your inventory strategy with Plex DemandCaster. ...

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Put Your Best Face Forward

Plex DemandCaster November 15, 2022

The supply chain for health and beauty manufacturing carries many unique challenges. Our Demand and Supply Planning software can help manage these challenges. ...

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Simmer Down! Bringing Balance to Your Supply Chain Plans

Plex DemandCaster November 1, 2022

Sometimes it seems supply chains are coming apart at the seams and overheating due to disruption. Bring balance to your supply chain with DemandCaster. ...

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That's Just Your Opinion

Plex DemandCaster October 18, 2022

Demand and supply planning was as much an art form as a science for many decades. The process was guided by human intuition, gut feeling, and experience and was aided by tools such as calculators and spreadsheets. These were all combined to produce forecasting that was an assumption at best and highly variable at worst. Software increased forecasting accuracy, reducing the height of the peaks and…

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