7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing

Now Available!

Get your copy of the 7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing and hear from 300+ manufacturers in this new survey report!

  • IntelliPlex is an integrated data visualization and analytics platform designed to deliver descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive business insights in Plex. Come join us to learn about leveraging responsive reports and dashboards to transform your Plex experience, empowering end users with on-demand insights, facilitating information sharing and enabling effective collaboration while maintaining data integrity.

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  • Webinars

    Process Steps: Group Demo - August 6

    Aug 6, 2024 EST

    A new add-on product offering within Plex MES, that is designed to boost operational excellence and drive workers’ productivity; Process Steps.  

    Process Steps provides clear, concise, and interactive work instructions connecting your teams across the plant. Technicians and operators can now easily access detailed work instructions to effectively set up production tasks and execute part operations, all while ensuring production steps are completed with efficiency and accuracy.

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